Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Air Pollution in Mexico City Essays
Air Pollution in Mexico City Essays Air Pollution in Mexico City Paper Air Pollution in Mexico City Paper 2005). More than 20% of Mexico entire population lives in its capital and more than 0 % of the countrys industrial output is produced here (Edgerton et al. N. Although Mexico City is considered one of the worlds largest cities, it is still growing at a rate exceeding 3% annually. Moreover, the number of vehicles daily traveling on its streets makes up more than three million (Edgerton, et al. , n. D). All the factors listed above contribute to Mexico Citys poor air quality. Mexico City is a perfect example of one of the burgeoning cities that experience severe air pollution. The ozone concentration in Mexico City is one of the highest in the world, being more than four times higher than the accepted norms. Particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and some other harmful gases also exceed the Mexican health advisory level (Walsh, 1999). Nevertheless, comprehensive air quality management programs since 1 990 have contributed to major reductions in the concentrations Of some pollutants such as lead, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide (Nominal Nominal, n. D. ). Sulfur in diesel fuel has been reduced from 0. 5% to 0. 05%. Many old buses and trucks of Mexico City were replaced by newer ones powered by more modern and cleaner engines. In addition, unleaded fuel was introduced at that time to make the vehicle emissions elatedly cleaner (Edgerton et al, n. Although the above measures contributed to a slight positive change in Mexico Citys air quality, serious air pollution problems still persist. The poor quality of air is the result of several factors: emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels in motor vehicles and for industrial processes, energy production, high dust levels due to local constructions, population groom (Nominal Nominal, n. Those human demands on the ecosystem are changing the landscape with important atmospheric consequences as well as causing threat to human health. People suffer from various diseases starting from insignificant ones like headaches, nausea, and allergic reactions to more serious ones like chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer, heart disease, and even damage to the brain, nerves, liver, or kidneys (How can air pollution hurt my health? , n. Although it is not possible to determine the total impact of Mexico Cues poor air quality on public health, McKinley et al. 2005) calculated that only a 10% reduction Of particulate matter in the air would save 3,000 lives and 10,000 new cases of chronic bronchitis each year, and that reduction of ozone loud save 300 lives. As approximately 80% of particulate matter and nitrogen oxide, 45% of volatile organic compounds, and 30% of sulfur dioxide come from mobile sources, their emissions level should be reduced (McKinley et al. , 2005). One of the possible solutions to reduce air pollution from vehicles is to continue enforcing legal regulations concerning air pollution prevention. As mentioned above, Mexico Citys government has taken several measures and attempted various programs in order to decrease the level of air pollution in the city. The first plan Program Integral era el Control De Ia Contamination n Tomatoes Rica (PICA) was started in 1990 and had major attainments, including the introduction of two-way catalytic converters, the phase-out of leaded gasoline, and the establishment of vehicle emissions standards (McKinley et al. , 2005). The second program, PREPARE 1995-2000 (Program Para Major la cyclical del Eire en el valley De Me OIC Program to Improve Air Quality in the Valley of Mexico) had other major accomplishments, such as the introduction of methyl tertiary butyl ether (METE) in gasoline to improve combustion efficiency, and carried out extractions on the aromatic content of fuels and on the sulfur content in industrial fuel (McKinley et al. , 2005). These programs have had significant impact on reduction of air pollution in the city. That is why more of these kinds of programs should be implemented in Mexico City, so the city can finally reduce the levels of air pollution to acceptable norms. For instance, the government should implement policies concerning taxis. According to Connelly (1999), taxis and individual cars that replaced traditional buses are the most polluting of all forms of transport. Approximately 110,000 taxis circulate the streets of Mexico City (McKinley et al. , 2005, p. 1955). Because of the large number of kilometers traveled each day by taxis, their emissions are quite high. Even though taxis account for only 3. % of Mexico Citys vehicle fleet, the their emissions make 3. 6% of particulate matter, 11 of sulfur dioxide, 10. 7% of carbon monoxide, 10. 2% of nitrogen oxide and 14% of volatile organic compounds of all transportation related emissions (McKinley et al. , 2005). Thus, all the taxis around the city have to be diminished. Instead of taxis, the government should provide the residents tit more buses and minibuses. The advantage of this policy is obvious: if there would be no taxis traveling in the city, less harmful gases would be emitted. Moreover, the analysis made by McKinley et al. 2005) suggests that a turnover of the taxi fleet due to its size and age would benefit from over $70 million US in reduced health impacts from air pollution, and would also benefit from fuel savings, whose costs summed up together, is greater than this measures investment cost. However, there are several drawbacks to this solution. Firstly, taxis are very convenient for people who do not have their win car to travel around more efficiently or to travel to places, which locations are not known to you. For instance, taxis are very beneficial for the tourists who do not know the city. Moreover, most people earn money by working as a taxi driver and total ban of taxis would deprive them of their way of earning money. Therefore, most people might disagree with this policy and solution generally. Another possible solution is to pass the law on telecommuting. Telecommuting or telethon basically means working from a place rather than traditional office environment, usually from home. The stance traveled by a person is a significant factor in air pollution because less distance traveled, less undesirable gases are emitted. As telecommuters work from home, they tend to travel less often. The research indicates that on the telecommuting days, the distance traveled by vehicles is decreased by 76%. Consequently, there are fewer gas emissions: to be more precise, there is a reduction by 64% of total organic gases, 63% of carbon monoxide and 73% of oxides of nitrogen (Sympathy, Saxons Nomination, 1991). Other advantages of telecommuting are that it can be implemented now, as it does to require any expanded planning, design and construction; it is relatively inexpensive to implement; it expands personal choices rather than restricting them, by offering them more flexibility in work and lifestyle (Sympathy et al. 1991). However, some employers and employees would disagree with this solution because there are some disadvantages. Firstly, telecommuting may incite legal issues between organization and employers. Some of the issues they may face are workplace safety and compensation issues (Mills, Wong-Ellison, Werner Clay, 2001 The organization cannot guarantee employees saf ety because employee works out of the office. And if any accident happened to the employee, the organization would not want to compensate employees medical expenses because the employee cannot prove that the accident coco red in the scope of employment. Secondly, lack of interaction with co-workers and isolation from society due to telecommuting, can have negative affects on individuals behavior and attitudes as well as can lead to negative consequences, like anxiety, depression, and even physical ailments (Gained, Kelley Hill, 1999). Moreover, not all jobs are suitable for telecommuting and some employers slide supervising employees they cannot see (Mills, et al. , 2001 Nevertheless, telecommuting should be considered as one of the possible solution, because it is a perfect way to reduce vehicle traveling during the day, consequently reducing air pollution levels. The last, but not the least possible solution is to replace gasoline usage in the city with hydrogen fuel. The transportation sector is currently consuming gasoline and diesel at high rates. More than half of the globally used oil is used for transportation (Kurtosis Kari, 2006). The harmful emissions to the environment are uh to its usage. Therefore, alternative fuels should be used more. Some types of alternative fuels are biological (methanol, ethanol), bodiless and hydrogen. Kurtosis and Kari (2006) compared the fuels listed above and came to conclusion that the use of hydrogen as a fuel would be the most beneficial one. A transition from fossil fuels to hydrogen would decrease the air pollution level because almost zero emissions occur, with water being the only by-product. In addition, hydrogen is the most abundant element on the Earth, so there should not be concerns about running out of its stocks. Moreover, car industries should produce more automobiles with a hydrogen- powered internal combustion engine. Currently, BMW is the only one. BMW also made the automobile to be powered either by hydrogen or gasoline, as the availability of hydrogen refueling stations is low (Kurtosis Kari, 2006). However, there are several disadvantages to this solution. Firstly, hydrogen made from electrolysis of water is very expensive. At 25 C, 65 watt- hours are needed to electrolyte one mole of water, which is 4. KHz of electricity to generate one cubic meter of hydrogen. This electricity comes room the alternator which of course is powered by the engine, which uses energy (Kurtosis Kari, 2006). So, fuel economy is decreased by the same means you are trying to improve fuel economy. But there is an alternative way to produce hydrogen, which is to split the water molecules through the use of wind or solar energy, what is less expensive (Kurtosis Kari, 2006). Another disadvantage is that the number of hydrogen refueling stations is very low. So, if individual runs out of the gas, it will be difficult to find a station to refuel the automobile immediately. To construct ewe hydrogen gas stations will require the government to allocate huge amounts of money. Winter (2006) estimated a hydrogen station construction to cost from $500,000 to over $5 million, depending on station size (30 keg/day 1 ,OHO keg/day). This amount includes the capital costs, installation costs, feedstock costs and fixed operating costs. Despite the disadvantages, producing and using hydrogen instead of gasoline holds the promise of pollution reduction in Mexico City. Mexico City is often said to be the most polluted city in the world. It certainly does pose serious environmental threats o its survival as a city, but it affects regional and global air quality levels as well. Therefore, specific measures have to be taken in order to reduce the air pollution level. There are some basic solutions that could be used, like continue enforcing legal regulations, pass a low on telecommuting and use hydrogen fuel instead of gasoline. All of these have already been implemented and we know that they will work for the environment. Therefore, the government should enforce these solutions and stop the air pollution in Mexico City.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Do you Want to Go to College This Fall Theres Still Room!
Do you Want to Go to College This Fall Theres Still Room! The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) just reported that colleges and universities still have space available for qualified freshman and/or transfer students. Even better news it that nearly all have financial aid to offer. The survey asked four-year colleges and universities about the availability of space, institutional financial aid and housing as of May 1, 2010. Twenty-three percent of the respondents are public colleges and 77% are private. Ninety-three percent have housing space. If you have not yet completed the college admission process, and want to apply, see NACACs annual Space Availability Survey: Openings for Qualified Students.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
BG Group Plc Analysis Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
BG Group Plc Analysis - Coursework Example BG Group is one of the listed companies in the London stock Exchange (LSE). The British Gas plc divested Centrica and the company was created. BG Group marks its presents in 5 continents. Demand and Supply Factors First consider the demand side factors which include weather, demographics, economic growth, consumption of fuel, storage of the products and exports. The cyclical pattern seems to be the demand pattern for natural gas. The demand follows the step path in the coldest months while the opposite is the nature of demand in the hotter months (EIA, 2008). The demand tends to rise slightly in summer to meet the demand of natural gas for electric generators. Demand also increases when there is growth in the economy. Cyclical pattern is the nature of the demand curve. Storage of the produced is difficult for the companies in this sector and so excess supply cause a fall in the price level. The supply side factors are the capacity of the pipeline through which the transportation of n atural gas takes place, drilling of the gas and technological advancement. The price of electricity also has a major role to play in the demand and supply frameworks of natural gas. As several competitors compete in the market, the price is set at the equilibrium level. Recently there has been technological advancement in the demand for natural gas. The rising electricity prices are the main reason for this situation. The appliances operated through natural gas can now compete closely with the electrical appliances causing demand to shoot up. The short term barriers affecting the supply of natural gas are availability of skilled workers and equipment, permitting and well development, delivery disruptions. The barriers that affect in increasing the supply of natural gas are onshore and offshore access, the financial environment (Natural Gas, n.d.). Market Structure The consumers of natural gas are now exposed to choice and competition. The government does not regulate the price mecha nism. The price is set by the demand and supply conditions. Generally the price is set at the level where demand equals supply. (Soligo and Jaffe, p.2). The figure above shows the demand for gas over the past 30 years. The nature of international gas market is experiencing change. Bilateral contracts between the buyers and sellers are the characteristic of markets outside the U.S. The increased liquidity in the market has called for the emergence of non-contract LNG market. The producer owns the gas at wellhead and sells to the marketers, less developed countries and sometimes to the end users. The market for natural gas faces a significant setback. The market for other commodities can immediately react to the change in demand and supply conditions but this type of market takes time to react to such situations mainly because to increase the supply of natural gas it is required to lease land and acquire the permission of the government. Seismic work and drilling the path towards the pipeline needs a lot of time. The lifetime of the existing wells will come to an end at some point and the amount of production they are capable to produce involves uncertainty. Necessities to compete in the market The company should have access to non-competitive facilities at non-discriminatory terms and
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
I'm not sure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
I'm not sure - Essay Example He explained Laozi’s thoughts through concrete instances from history, people’s life, and also from his surroundings. But most often, Zhuangzi’s elucidations appear most complex and complicated. Sometimes, they become diverted the mainstream of Daoism and tend to appear as an individual philosophic strand. The most remarkable difference between the two is how they view ‘Tao’ or the Way. Both of them believe that the Way is beyond human perception and conception. In this regard, both of them are realists. But Zhuangzi’s approach to Tao or the Way is more applicable to human life than Laozi’s. That is, Laozi is more metaphysical than Zhuangzi. Since Laozi’s philosophy fails to dispel the transcendence of the Way or Tao, his teachings do not care much about human life as Zhuangzi’s teachings do. In this regard, it can be said that Zhuangzi’s ‘Daoism’ is superior to Laozi’s. Both Laozi and Zhuangzi acknowledge the ‘Dao’ as a transcendental existence which contains the whole universe. In Laozi’s word, â€Å"The Great Tao flows everywhere../All things depend on it for life,/and it does not turn away from them./ One may think of it as the mother of all beneath Heaven./ We do not know its name, but we call it Tao ...†(Ivanhoe & Norden 165). It is nameless and formless and it exists everywhere. Yet nothing in this universe can be construed as the ‘Dao’. It is eternal and it is not knowledgeable. Rather it is beyond human perception as well as human language. The problem of human language is that it is not sufficient enough to describe it. It exists, but it cannot be described, as Laozi says, â€Å"The Tao that can be told of is not the eternal Tao;/ the name that can be named is not the eternal name†(Ivanhoe & Norden 165). Laozi further describes it, â€Å"There is a thing, formless yet complete./ Before heav en and earth it existed. /Without sound, without
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Physical products Essay Example for Free
Physical products Essay The dot-com era is now fast receding into the past. But, throughout the world, managers are still grappling with turning the e-business concept into a business reality. Companies in some sectors have demonstrated success. In Europe, the low cost airlines such as easyJet and Ryanair have succeeded in migrating the majority of their customers to online booking in the space of a few years, while acquiring many new customers. Other companies have used the internet to gain competitive advantage. For example, the supermarket Tesco has launched a market-leading e-commerce service for customers and also uses the internet extensively for purchasing (Tesco Information Exchange). Although many start-up companies which adopted innovative business models, have now failed, some are now achieving profitability. For example, now operating profitability across many countries in Europe include lastminute (main focus travel: www. lastminute. com), Kelkoo (consumer retail: www. kelkoo. com) and Wanadoo (Internet Service Provider: www. wanadoo. com). In some traditional industries, the impact of the internet has been immense. Banking, for example, shows that in a seven and half year period (May 1995 December 2002), the number of households using online banking worldwide increased to 100 million as around 6,000 different financial institutions offered web based banking. (Source: Online Banking Report, Number 89, 10 December 2002). Meanwhile, many business-business companies and governments have found encouraging their customers to use their online services to be much more challenging. In this post-dot-com era, managers are looking to learn from the experiences of the early adopters, identifying success factors and incorporating best practices while trying to avoid the costly mistakes made by others. Most introductions to e-business open with a history of the growth of the Internet, and the predictions of the growth of e-commerce and e-business. E-Commerce is implemented using three technologies: Electronic Data interchange (EDI), Internet Commerce and Electronic Markets. We limit our approach to covering commercial activities conducted on the Internet. E-commerce offers opportunities to dramatically improve the way that businesses interact with both their customers and their suppliers, that is, to make business negotiations faster, cheaper, more personalized, and more agile. The number of web users who shop or buy products online is continuously increasing. However, searching and buying products via on-line can be frustrating due to the lack of help or decision support given to the user. Nowadays e-commerce applications are being improved from a first generation stage where buyers are humans who browse through a catalogue of commodities (e. g. books, computer components, films) and make purchases, often by means of a credit card transaction, to a second generation with a greater degree of automation on both the buyers and the sellers side. The aim of this work was to develop a technology for facilitating Business-to-Consumer (B2C) and Business-to-Business (B2B) processes. Although the growth in Internet retailing has not turned out to be as strong as predicted in the late 1990s, it is clear that some e-tailers offer distinctive value propositions to certain customers. At the core of any business strategy is the ability to develop a sustainable competitive advantage. Current market leaders, such as Amazon, enhance the shopping experience by providing reviews and making suggestions based on past purchases. However products such as apparel can be difficult for customers to purchase over the Internet because of the need to touch, feel and try on products. Market leaders, like The Gap and cataloguer Lands End, can be successful because of their prior customer base, strong brand identity, consistent quality and fit and outstanding service and guarantees. Convenience shopping online is becoming increasingly popular with both adults and young people. Internet may be a good source for bargain hunting. The simplicity of online shopping can lure consumers into making purchases that may not qualify as a good deal. It is therefore imperative to know when a deal is really a deal!
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Is fate a factor :: essays research papers
Fate is the power that is supposed to settle ahead of time how things will happen. Romeo and Juliet lives were ruled by fate. Even though they thought they should be together fate had different plans for both of them. Fate did not rule in their favour. A large part of the beliefs for both Romeo and Juliet involved fate. They believed in the stars, and that their actions weren't always their own. Romeo, for example, Act1 scene4 line107-113 says, "Some consequence yet hanging in the stars...by some vile forfeit of untimely death. But he that hath the steerage over my course Direct my sail." He's basically saying to his friends that he had a dream, which leads him to believe that he will die young because of something in the stars, something that will happen. He ends with "he that hath steerage over my course" which implies that he does not have control over his life if he looks to another power above himself to direct him. He does not feel that he is the one who makes decisions; it is all a higher power with purpose. Romeo says he is in love with Rosaline, who did not return these feelings. A servant of the Capulet's was sent to invite people on a list to a party that the Capulet's were throwing. While Romeo babbled on about his life with Benvolio and kinsmen. Romeo bumped into this servant who asked him to read the list. Rosaline's name appeared which got Romeo to agree to go the party. This sets everything up for the Romeo and Juliet. They met at the party and fell deeply in love with each other. They realize later their identities, but they are in love and won't let their names get in the way of that strong emotional bind. Fate had an immense impact in this scene. Another example of fate was after Romeo killed Tybalt because of Tybalt killing Mercutio in a sword fight. After Romeo kills Tybalt he shouts, Act3 scene1 line136 â€Å"O, I am fortune’s fool!" Here Romeo understands the full impact of this tragic event on his future and how everything started to deteriorate after he met Juliet.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Resource Management Plan for the Wash Sector in Kenya
RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE WASH SECTOR IN KENYA Institute: Institute OF CLIMATE CHANGE AND ADAPTION Introduction The Republic of Kenya is located in East Africa at latitudes of 5 ° South and 5.5 ° North and longitudes 34 ° East and 42 ° West surrounding Somalia to the East, Ethiopia to the North, democracy of South Sudan to the North West, Uganda to the West, Tanzania to the South West and the Indian Ocean to South. [ 1 ] Harmonizing to the AEA Technology Plc. clime alteration projections for Kenya up to 2100 include:Rise in the mean one-year temperature by between 1 °C and 5 °C typically 1 °C by 2020s and 4 °C by 2100 ;Possible displacement toward a wetting agent clime in both showery seasons peculiarly in the short rains OND ( October, November, and December ) . Most projections indicate a alteration in heavy precipitation events for Kenya ;Rainfall seasonality indicate that the short and long rains seasons will stay the same ;More utmost rainfall events during the wet seasons by 2100, potentially doing more frequent and terrible inundations ;The happening of drouths likely wi th current frequence but greater badness associated by temperature additions ;Sea degree rise globally by 18 to 59 centimeter at the terminal of the century harmonizing to the IPCC 2007.All these projections have an impact on the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene ( WASH ) sector particularly utmost events such as inundations and drouths where theoretical accounts indicate intensification of heavy rainfall in the wet seasons, particularly in some parts therefore increasing likeliness of inundation hazards and events. [ 2 ] There is an increased likeliness of drouths but theoretical accounts vary on this projection, some theoretical accounts project intensification of drouths while others indicate a decrease in badness of drouths. With this in head it is of import to pull off H2O sustainably to run into today’s demands and increasing future demand. Water supply crises have been identified in legion studies by experts from different Fieldss. It is estimated that over 1.7 billion people live in river basins H2O usage exceeds recharge which leads to devastation of rivers and depletion of groundwater systems. As states are developing and populations grow and urbanisation additions H2O demand is expected to increase by 55 % by 2050. [ 3 ] If this form continues two tierces of the world’s population will confront acute H2O emphasis. The state of affairs is of concern as Kenya is already rated by the United Nations as holding one of the lowest natural H2O refilling rates in the universe. Aim This brief proposal will look into Incorporate Water Resources Management as key in accommodating and extenuating against the debilitating effects of clime alteration on the WASH sector. For the WASH sector in Kenya over abstraction of fresh water for multiple utilizations, coupled with non-point beginning pollution from agribusiness and ill designed sanitation installations, or deficiency of sanitation installations is a important menace to sustainability of H2O beginnings and ecosystem services ( ESS ) provided by H2O resources. [ 4 ] The Resource Management Model for the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene ( WASH ) sector will look at H2O as the cardinal resource IWRM and H2O usage efficiency. Rationale To understand the demand for usage of Integrated Water Resource Management ( IWRM ) as a resource direction scheme it is cardinal to look into Kenya’s current H2O state of affairs and clime alteration projections for Kenya as the WASH sector is reliant on H2O as a natural resource. To better understand the demand for IWRM it is cardinal to understand two cardinal facets with respects to Kenya these are: Overview of Kenya’s Water Resources Kenya is classified as a inveterate H2O scarce state. The country’s’ natural gift of fresh water is limited by an one-year renewable freshwater supply of merely 647 three-dimensional metres per capita. Harmonizing to international criterions a state is categorized as â€Å"water stressed†if it’s renewable fresh water supplies are between 1000 to 1700 three-dimensional metres per capita. [ 5 ] By comparing Kenya’s neighbours have one-year per capita renewable fresh water supplies of: Uganda 2,940 three-dimensional metres per capita per twelvemonth and Tanzania 2,696cubic metres per capita per twelvemonth. [ 6 ] Extent of Kenya’s exposure to inundations and drouths as anticipated by clime alteration projections Water exposure in Kenya arises from both a combination of limited natural H2O gift, high variableness of one-year rainfall happening, heavy economic dependance on H2O resources and unequal readiness for repeating clime dazes to the economy.6 This is farther exacerbated by failure of development of surface and groundwater resources increasing the country’s exposure. Further compounded by small stored H2O per capita therefore during drouths H2O storage countries are quickly drawn down.6 Kenya’s H2O exposure is further increased by extended debasement of H2O resources and weak H2O resource direction with the minimum Government outgo on H2O resource care and operation.6. Erosion due to heavy rainfall as a consequence of low forest screen and hapless agricultural patterns lead to siltation and loss of H2O storage capacity in dikes and pans that the state is to a great extent dependent on. Public wellness of which sanitation falls under is besides extremely vulnerable. Deluging leads to damage of drinkable H2O supplies coercing communities to obtain H2O from insecure H2O beginnings taking to exposure to H2O borne infections.Morbidity forms indicate that 60 per centum of top 10 diseases in Kenya are H2O borne or sanitation related.6 During drouths H2O supplies are restricted and monetary values are increased. To get by with these boreholes are drilled and old 1s are deepened as a response to acute H2O deficits. This state of affairs leads to coerce on already worsening H2O tabular arraies, therefore taking to increasing the cost of pumping restricting hereafter options for valuable H2O resources.6 Incorporate Water Resources Management ( IWRM ) Extenuation and version can non be achieved if there is a continuance of sabotaging sustainability of critical H2O resources base embracing sectors that are dependent upon it. Coping with clime variableness requires improved H2O resources direction as the first line of defence. [ 7 ] International energy wonts are the focal point of extenuation attacks, H2O direction and H2O usage efficiency is the way that the universe should follow with respects to version. It is apparent that clime variableness is amplified in the H2O rhythm and therefore Governments particularly the Government of Kenya should acknowledge and move on this. Policy models being formulated, physical substructure and planetary ends and marks must be adapted to run into future needs.7 The Integrated Water Resources Management ( IWRM ) theoretical account is inspired by the Dublin rules adopted during the International Conference on Water and the Environment. Harmonizing to the Global Water Partnership IWRM can be defined as â€Å"a procedure, which promotes the co-ordinated development and direction of H2O, land and related resources, in order to maximise attendant economic and societal public assistance in an just mode without compromising the sustainability of critical ecosystems.†[ 8 ] IWRM seeks to carry through three key aims which are:Efficiency to do H2O resources go every bit far as possible ;Equity in the allotment of H2O across different societal and economic groups ;Environmental sustainability, to protect the H2O resources base and associated eco-systems.A cardinal rule of IWRM is inclusion of H2O and ecosystems as portion of the direction agenda.8 IWRM provides a good footing for betterment of direction of H2O resources instead than creative a ctivity of separate models and establishments. 8 IWRM provides watershed coordination linking regional watershed direction to local activities act uponing and profiting from ecosystem services ( ESS ) . IWRM policies are sick equipped to cover with pull offing support to ESS, which extend beyond spacial and temporal graduated tables of IWRM administration. Rather, IWRM policies are suited in pull offing many commissariats including cultural considerations and ordinance of ESS.An illustration is the Waza logone flood plain in Cameroon that is a clear illustration of benefits accrued from leting deluging to take topographic point, to refill wetlands, deposits and other critical resources, being more valuable than barricading the flow of water.8 IWRM is a god attack for regulating the complex kineticss of upstream- downstream water- dependant ecosystem services as H2O is a nexus between multiple ecosystems services and users. Integration of Climate Change in WASH Sector Management Harmonizing to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ( OECD ) it is projected that the figure of people populating in earnestly H2O stressed river basins will duplicate between 2000 and 2050 to make 3.9 billion people. There is a turning concern on the relation between H2O and catastrophe peculiarly enhance by increasing clime variableness. Climate alteration is doing changes to the hydrologic rhythm, endangering fresh water and marine ecosystems every bit good as human H2O security in many parts of the universe particularly Kenya and Sub Saharan Africa. [ 9 ] It is cardinal for the WASH sector through the Government of Kenya through line ministries to develop national and where appropriate, trans boundary version programs of action which incorporate sustainable direction of H2O ; national and county trans boundary eventuality programs ; present clime proofing, and new substructure where needfully peculiarly concentrating on integrated inundation direction to complement IWRM and its benefits with respects to hazards posed by clime alteration and future clime projections for Kenya. It is cardinal for the Government of Kenya to look into climate sensitive policies which targeted all H2O related sectors which is cardinal in turn toing utmost events and increasing clime alteration and variableness. Climate Change exacerbate s the complexness of H2O issues, particularly through its impacts on the hydrological rhythm in countries of high H2O emphasis, every bit good as increased incidence of inundations. It is of import to observe that traditional cognition can non get by with these alterations at that place need to be an accent on new cognition systems to supply better information to all, including husbandmans, pastoralists and local communities.7 Mentions Bonnardeaux, D. ( 2012 ) Associating Biodiversity Conservation and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Experiences from sub-Saharan Africa. Conservation International and Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group. Washington, D.C. , USA. International Institute for Sustainable Development. ( 2013 ) .Summary of the High-Level Meeting of the Global Thematic Consultation on Water in the Post-2015 Development Agenda. Post-2015 Development Agenda Bulletin, Volume 28 figure 8. Retrieved from: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.iisd.ca/post2015/water/hlcw/html/crsvol208num8e.html Ministry for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030. ( 2012 ) .Kenya T21 theoretical account.Report on Strengthening Institutional Capacity for Integrated Climate Change Adaptation and Comprehensive National Development Planning in Kenya.Kenya: Office of the Prime Minister. Mogaka, H. , Gichere, S. , Davis, R. , & A ; Hirji, R. ( 2006 ) .Climate Variability and Water Resources Degradation in Kenya: Improving Water Resources Development and Management. Washington, D.C: World Bank. OECD. ( 2012 ) .Environmental Outlook to 2050. Paris: OECD. Stockholm Environment Institute. ( 2009 ) . The Economics of Climate Change in Kenya. December 2009. Project Report. Nairobi: Embassy of Denmark. UNEP. ( 2012 ) .Let go ofing the Pressure: Water Resource Efficiencies and Gains for Ecosystem Services. Capital of kenya: UNEP. United Nations Environment Programme. ( 2012 ) .GEO5 Global Environment Outlook: Environment for the Future We Want. Malta: Progress Press. World Bank. ( 2000 ) .World Development Report 2000/2001: Attacking Poverty. Washington, D.C: World Bank
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Jury In “Twelve Angry Men†Essay
i. Why is it so difficult for the jury in Twelve Angry Men to reach its final verdict? Rose shows that in Twelve Angry Men it is difficult to reach a verdict when jurors essentially have pre conceived ideas and bring personal prejudice in a case, along with Jurors that lack interest. These factors undoubtedly cause conflict and difficulty in the Jury system, which highlights a potential weakness in the democratic process. The trouble also arises from the fact that Juror 8 is one of the few Jurors to initially deliberate honestly and thoughtfully and seeks to obtain justice. Rose suggests that there needs to be active participation In ensuring the jury system operates as intended, and when there is, the final verdict is easier to achieve. Rose suggests that it is hard for the Jury to reach its verdict when Jurors have pre-conceived ideas and show racism. Rose showcases the trouble in individuals having personal prejudice in a case as it can blind them from the facts. This in turn, hinders the Jurors to come to an agreement, as it thwarts their ability to reason and see things from another’s point of view. This notion is highlighted through the bitter Juror 10, who Is the embodiment of racism and prejudice. Juror 10 signifies the potential power of racism, as he believes â€Å"the kids who crawl outta those places are real trash.†Ultimately, this pre conceived idea creates difficulty in constructing a rational opinion on the case, as this belief closes the door on his ability to think from another perspective. In addition, It is difficult for him to reach an agreement as he isn’t prepared to dissect the â€Å"facts†from the â€Å"fancy.†This is further underpinned, as he can’t see the evidence from another perspective, as he is â€Å"sick and tired of facts.†His inability to consider another point of view articulates his close-minded character, that can’t see past his racism and pre conceived ideas. His resentment and bitterness is manifested in his behaviour, as he is â€Å"suddenly angry†or â€Å"disgusted†. This allows Rose to condemn those who cant see past their prejudice and justify why it is difficult for him to come to an understanding as his anger showcases his irrational and illogical character. Through Juror 10 Rose suggests that when individuals bring pre-conceived ideas and arnt prepared to deliberate truthfully it is difficult to come to an unanimous verdict. Rose also underpins the difficulty in coming to a final verdict by showcasing individuals that bring personal prejudice in a case. Through juror 3, Rose underlines the effect personal prejudice can have on one’s ability to deliberate fairly. Juror 3’s emotional baggage hinders him from being able to go through the democratic process properly and determine the guilt or innocence of the defendant. Rose suggests that without careful deliberation it is hard to come to an agreed verdict as prejudice prevents individuals from carrying out their civic duty. Juror 3’s personal prejudice and experience is highlighted through his belief that the defendant has â€Å"got to burn,†which suggests that it is hard to see ideas from another’s view point, if an individual is more concerned with their personal problems. The difficulty in reaching a final verdict for juror 3 is underlined through his inability to listen to the other Jurors opinions, and is only able to agree with those who see it from his point of view. This is underlined through him constantly agreeing with those who criticize the boy as he comments â€Å"listen to this man. He knows what he’s talking about†and â€Å"that’s absolutely right.†His personal prejudice prevents him from having an open mind about the other Jurors opinions and can only agree with those who criticize the defendant. Through this, Rose comments on how difficult it is to reach a final verdict when Jurors that show prejudice aren’t open minded and arnt willing to discuss alternative ideas. Rose underlines how difficult it can to be reach a final verdict when individuals show a lack of interest for the case and arnt prepared to think for themselves. Rose implies that those who arnt willing to take the case seriously are a danger to the system and make it a struggle to come to a final agreement. Juror 7 is apathetic to the jury process, as he is more concerned with his own welfare than deliberating honestly and discussing the case. He represents those who place self interest above civic duty, which makes it harder for him to contribute to the final verdict outcome. His impatience and belief that discussing the case â€Å"better be fast†articulates his self centered nature and how he is more concerned with his own personal desires. In addition, it is through Juror 6 that contributes to the difficulty in coming to an unanimous verdict, as he isn’t prepared to think for himself. His lack of confidence and inability to contribute to the case is highlighted through him saying he â€Å"isn’t used to supposing.†Rose suggests that in order for a verdict to be reached, all members must participate in an open discussion. While it is difficult to reach a final verdict, Rose suggests that the jury system requires participation in order for a verdict to be achieved. Juror 8 is one of the few Jurors that is prepared to stand up against the majority and defend the democratic process. It is difficult to reach a final verdict as Juror 8 initially is the only one who sees this as â€Å"grave responsibility†as the â€Å"death sentence is mandatory.†He shows his concern for the case as he provokes discussion and seeks to obtain justice. However, it is when many of the other juror’s arnt able to follow the process suggests that coming to an agreement is hard without active participation. It is through the active participation that allows the process to thrive and make it easier to come to a verdict. This is evident through quiet Jurors such as Juror 2 to participate and make a contribution to the case, making it easier to come to a final verdict. This is highlighted as he questions evidence â€Å"about the business about the stab wound and how it was made.†His ability to participate in discussion suggests that participation is essential in coming to a final verdict. In addition, Juror 9’s involvement picks up on the old lady’s eyesight, which is a leading factor to the final verdict. Therefore Rose stresses that in order for a final verdict to be reached, participation is required from the jury system. In addition, without contribution it makes it difficult to come to an agreement. Rose stresses how difficult coming to a unanimous agreement is when Jurors have pre conceived ideas, prejudice, racism and arnt interested in taking an interest in the case. However, he suggests that when Jurors make a contribution and actively participates an agreement is finally reached.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Media And Child Pornography Laws
The Internet and Child Pornography Everyday millions of people get on their computers and surf the net. We can access things that are thousands of miles away in less than a minute. The Internet has made everything convenient to the world. Convenience is nice but is it safe. People can get away with breaking some forms of the law by using the Internet. Child Pornography is an issue that government and law official have been dealing since the launching of the Internet. Since the mid seventies law officials has made laws to protect children from being used by adults in porn. In 1977 the Sexual Exploitation of Children Act was put into Legislation. The law prohibits the use of a minor in the making of pornographic, picture of a minor, and the production and circulation of materials advertising child pornography. It is also prohibits the transfer, sale, purchase, and receipt of minors when the purpose of such transfer, sale, purchase, or receipt is to use the child or youth in the production of child pornography. Anothe r laws were made in 1984 The Child Protection Act of 1984defines anyone younger than the age of 18 as a child (U.S. code: title 18, Section 2251-2256). On November 18, 1988, the United States Congress enacted the Child Protection and Obscenity Enforcement Act (U.S Code: Title 18, Section 2251-2256) that made it unlawful to use a computer to transmit advertisements or visual depictions of child pornography and it prohibited the buying, selling, or otherwise obtaining temporary custody or control of children for the purpose of producing child pornography. On November 29, 1990, the U.S. Congress enacted U.S. Code: Title 18, Section 2252 making it a federal crime to possess three or more depictions of child pornography that were mailed or shipped in Interstate or foreign commerce or that was produced using materials that were mailed or shipped by any means, including by computer. With the passage of the Telecommunicat... Free Essays on Media And Child Pornography Laws Free Essays on Media And Child Pornography Laws The Internet and Child Pornography Everyday millions of people get on their computers and surf the net. We can access things that are thousands of miles away in less than a minute. The Internet has made everything convenient to the world. Convenience is nice but is it safe. People can get away with breaking some forms of the law by using the Internet. Child Pornography is an issue that government and law official have been dealing since the launching of the Internet. Since the mid seventies law officials has made laws to protect children from being used by adults in porn. In 1977 the Sexual Exploitation of Children Act was put into Legislation. The law prohibits the use of a minor in the making of pornographic, picture of a minor, and the production and circulation of materials advertising child pornography. It is also prohibits the transfer, sale, purchase, and receipt of minors when the purpose of such transfer, sale, purchase, or receipt is to use the child or youth in the production of child pornography. Anothe r laws were made in 1984 The Child Protection Act of 1984defines anyone younger than the age of 18 as a child (U.S. code: title 18, Section 2251-2256). On November 18, 1988, the United States Congress enacted the Child Protection and Obscenity Enforcement Act (U.S Code: Title 18, Section 2251-2256) that made it unlawful to use a computer to transmit advertisements or visual depictions of child pornography and it prohibited the buying, selling, or otherwise obtaining temporary custody or control of children for the purpose of producing child pornography. On November 29, 1990, the U.S. Congress enacted U.S. Code: Title 18, Section 2252 making it a federal crime to possess three or more depictions of child pornography that were mailed or shipped in Interstate or foreign commerce or that was produced using materials that were mailed or shipped by any means, including by computer. With the passage of the Telecommunicat...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Ultimate Local Scholarships Guide How to Find and Win Them
Ultimate Local Scholarships Guide How to Find and Win Them SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You may already know a lot about some of the big, popular, national scholarships - programs like the Gates Millennium Scholarship, the Coca-Cola Scholarship, McDonald’s Scholarships, and so on. If you’re interested in applying for scholarship money, it’s definitely easiest to start with awards that you already know about. But if you only focus on these big awards, you could be missing out on a lot of cash. Local scholarship awards may be smaller than the most famous scholarship programs, but there are so many awards out there that it would be silly not to look into local options. Here, I’ll talk a bit about how these local awards differ from the national ones and why it’s important that you consider these smaller scholarships. Then, I’ll talk about how you can find scholarships in your community. I’ll end with tips and strategies for submitting the best possible applications for local scholarship awards. Keep reading if you want to win the most local scholarship money possible! How Are Local Awards Different From National Ones? The scholarships you may already have heard about offer some seriously large monetary awards: The Gates Scholarship covers all unmet need through college; the average annual award through 2014 came to about $12,500. The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation Scholarship gives winners $20,000. The McDonald’s HACER Scholarship gives $100,000 over four years. With big payouts like these + name-brand recognition, you’re going to come up against a lot of competition for these awards. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t apply for them - it just means you should also look into local awards. What Makes Local Awards So Great? Local scholarships, by definition, are going to be targeted towards a smaller pool of potential applicants. The award amount may be smaller - they’re probably not funded by international private organizations - but they also will be less competitive.That means you often have a much better chance of receiving an award! There are some other serious advantages that come with focusing on local scholarships: First, it'll probably be easier for you to seek out personalized information and feedback about available scholarships. This is because you have resources available to you in the form of guidance counselors, teachers, or community leaderswho may know about local programs.This means you're more likely to find awards that are a good fit for you. Second, becauselocal scholarshipsare relatively small (on average), you may find that their application processes are less intensive than thoseof the huge, national awards. This means it may be easier for you to apply for the awards you're interested in. Are you convinced yet that you should check out some small, local scholarships? If so, keep reading! How to Find Local Scholarships in Your Community There's no one way to go about looking for local scholarships, but there are a lot of different resources for you to take advantage of. The following tips and strategies will help you find as many appropriate local awards as possible. Talk to Your Guidance or College Counselor Your guidance and college counselors are awesome resources. They tend to be very plugged into info on local awards and scholarship programs, and because they also (presumably) know you, they may be able to point you to awards that arethe best fit for you. You'll make a good impression on your counselor if you’re proactive andspeak to herabout awards.This will help you learn about local awards, of course, but it'll also be helpful when it comes time to find references forcertain scholarship applications. Guidance and college counselors often write great letters of recommendation. Focus on Local Community and Cultural Centers Community and cultural centers are hubs of local activity. If there are any popular local scholarship programs available, these centers may have information on them. They may even offer scholarships themselves! Take Advantage of Online Resources The College Board's scholarship databaseis a great place to start looking, even when it comes to local awards. The databasemay not have info on extremely limitedorvery small scholarships, but it does include state-based awards. Another thing to keep in mind is this resource doesn’t just list scholarships based ongeography - itconsiders allsorts of relevant group affiliations that may affect scholarship eligibility. In addition to looking atthe College Board's website, you'll want to do your own experimenting with looking for scholarships online. Start with some trial and error with Google - for example, search for "scholarship [your town]," "scholarship [your county]," "scholarship [your state]," or "scholarship [group affiliation]." Independent online research is key tofinding local awards. Submitting the Best Applications for Local Awards If you already have some local scholarship programs in mind (or even if you’re still looking), it’s important to submit the best scholarship applications possible to maximize your chances of winning money. Each local program is likely to have its own application, criteria, submission deadline, and administrative protocols. Keeping track of all of this information and actually completing the applications will be a pretty significant commitment on your end. As such, you want to make sure each application is appropriately submitted - you don’t want to put in a ton of work and not have anything pan out because you didn't follow instructions! The following tips will help you optimize your success rate in applying for local awards. Step #1: Make Sure You Meet All Eligibility Criteria This is a big one - small awards are likely to have smaller, more specific target audiences, so you don’t want to waste your time applying for a scholarship that you have no chance of winning. Chances are you'll be automatically disqualified if you don't meet all criteria, regardless of your other accomplishments. If you have any questions about eligibility criteria, or if they’re unclear, contact the scholarship program ASAP so that they can clear things up. Step #2: Ask Yourself If You're a Good Fit This is related to the previous tip - because smaller local awards might be targeting smaller groups of students with specific interests, strengths, or backgrounds, you’ll want to assess whether you’re a good fit for the award before applying. For example, let's say you find an award for scholar-athletes. If you'revery strong academically but the last sport you played was JV lacrosse freshman year (and you sat on the bench for most games), you probably won’t be a competitive applicant. It might be prudent to skip an application like this even if you technically meet all eligibility requirements. Ultimately, you'll want to look for scholarships that fit best with your strengths. You may not be an ideal scholar-athlete, but maybe your time spent volunteering with local nonprofits would make you a competitive applicant for a community service award, for example. Your "fit" for a specific program is perhaps more important than your raw accomplishments. Step #3: Emphasize Your Ties to the Scholarship and the Community Local scholarship programs are typicallycreatedand run by local people who are invested in students in their community. Boost your chances of winning local scholarships by emphasizing your connection to this community. You'll want to start by thinking abouthow you conceptualize this "community." What is the group that the scholarship program is targeting, and how are you a part of it? If you're looking at a state-wide scholarship, it’s likely to be state-funded. You don't necessarily have to get too gung-ho about how much you love your state of residence. If you're looking at a scholarship based on some other geographical area (e.g. your city, town, or county), spend some time brainstorming about what this community means to you, how you’ve participated in it, why you value it, etc. You don’t have to gush about it in your application, but if you have an opportunity to write an essay make sure to emphasize these connections. If you're looking at a scholarship based on a non-geographical community (e.g. a local organization, religious or interest group, etc.), you’d take the same sort of strategy as above. Do your research on the group’s mission and values if applicable. You’ll want your application to be congruent with these values. For example,if you’re applying for a community service award, talk about how the scholarship would help you further serve your community in the future. If you’re applying for a scholarship that’s awarded in memory of another individual, learn about that person! Chances are that family friends of that person are the ones going over applications. Do you sharecommon interests and values? Step #4: Complete All Parts of the Application Before you even start a scholarship application, read through all the paperwork tomake sure you'reable to provide everythingthat's required. For example,if the scholarship is due tomorrow and the app asks for a letter of recommendation, it’s probably not going to happen. Plan on submitting the application exactly as itsrules state,even if the program is old school and asks you to fax the application or something silly like that. Common application componentsinclude: The application itself, including demographic information Application essays Financial information (for need-based scholarships) Academic information, like transcripts and test scores(for merit-based scholarships) Letters of recommendation Other supporting documentation (e.g. records of volunteer hours) Step #5: Make Sure to Meet the Deadline Submitting a scholarship application late doesn’t make a good impression, and it’s likely to disqualify you. Don’t wait until the last minute to submit a scholarship either - you don’t know if you’ll have technical issuesor missing paperwork that might delay the process. Give yourself time to fix your application if you come across any issues. If you have to ask for letters of recommendation, give people 3-4weeks advance notice. You might want to account for even more time if you are asking for recs during the â€Å"busy season†(around late fall). Final Tips for Success Hopefully, you're now all set to start looking for those awesome local scholarships.In order to optimize your chances of success, it's better to start sooner rather than later - a big chunk of awardsare meant for high school seniors, so it's ideal to start your research early on in your junior year. This gives you plenty of time to organize everything you need to submit successful applications. If you're already a senior, don't despair! There still may be scholarships out there for you. Just make sure to be especially mindful of deadlines, as they may come up pretty quickly. Finally, make it your mission to apply to several scholarship programs (and not just local ones, either). Don't put all your proverbial eggs in one basket by just applying for a single award, no matter how great of an applicant you are. Good luck, and go get 'em! What's Next? There are so many different types of scholarship programs out there. If you're just starting your research, it's smart to familiarize yourself with your options before submitting any applications. Start by checking out our guides to the top scholarships for high school juniors and seniors. You'll also want to read our article about the easiest scholarships to apply for - these applications can be completed in no time! Finally - tying into my comment earlier in the article about different kinds of communities - you might also want to look at our guide to the best scholarships for minority students. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The proletariat during the Russian revolution Research Paper
The proletariat during the Russian revolution - Research Paper Example The praxis of the proletarian was developed by Lenin in the year 1917 he argued that the proletariats were only interested in the state for a given period of time and that it was never geared towards advocating for separation from the anarchists through the elimination of the state. He further articulated that the best form of revolution was that which could offer defense to itself and that could only be achieved by the form of dictatorship by and for the proletariat. Dictatorship of the proletariat during the Russian revolution was to allow the working class members of the society quelling all manner of opposition, strengthening of political power, gain control over the various means of production and to break up the entire machinery of the bourgeois. The process was to be attained through massive education initiatives that targeted the peasants as well as the small-scale business persons, intellectuals, office and industrial employees so as to equip the m with the necessary skills needed to attain some level of freedom both socially and economically. The initiatives were directed towards coming up with a more democratic system backed by rights and liberties of the humanity as opposed to democratic parliamentarism that was being propagated by bourgeois. Stalin came up with three dimensions in order to develop an understanding of the dictatorship of the proletariat. One is that he considered it as an instrument for the proletarian revolution. Secondly, it was regarded as the rule over the bourgeoisie and finally as a form of Soviet power that represented the entire state. The Communist Party became the stronghold of the proletariat. The key elements during the revolution of the proletariat were based on the ultimate devotion of the people to the revolutionary ideas, proper attendance of classes after work so as to ensure that the works of Marx and Lenin were
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