Saturday, March 28, 2020
Appendices Sample Essays
Appendices Sample Essays Appendices Sample Essay Appendices Sample Essay APPENDICES a. User’s Manual USERS PAGE KING KERWIN APARTELLE Tabular Links 5 4 3 1 2 Figure a. 1 Tabular Links The form consists of the following tabs: 1. Home When home page link is pressed it will directly go to the homepage that contains some information about King Kerwin Apartelle and a slideshow of different photos in King Kerwin Apartelle. This is also called a start page or local file that automatically loads when a web browser starts or when the browsers home button or â€Å"home†link is pressed. 2. About Us – When about us link is pressed it will directly go to the about us page that contains company profile of King Kerwin Apartelle and their services offered. 3. Contact Us When contact us link is pressed it will directly go to the contact us page that contains textboxes which allows the user to have an inquiry or send an inquiries, questions, verification and concerns about the web site or about the process of the king kerwin. 4. Gallery – When gallery link is pressed it will directly go to the sample picture of each rooms of King Kerwin Apartelle and Transient House. . Booking – When booking link is pressed it will directly go to the reservation page that contains instructions on how to have a reservation in the rooms. A cancel reservation and reservation form link is also included in the reservation page. King Kerwin Room ; Rates Figure a. 2 Room ; Rates Contact Us Figure a. 3 Contact Us The contact us form contains different textbox with a different la bels on it. This will allow the user to contact the administrator or the manager of King Kerwin Apartelle for some concerns or questions regarding to King Kerwin Apartelle. It has a reset button which shall reset all fields when it is pressed and a send button which shall send the inquiries of the client to the administrator’s e-mail address or manager’s e-mail address. Gallery Figure a. 4 Gallery Gallery page contains photos and highlights of each room of King Kerwin Apartelle and Transient House. Check Availability Figure a. 5 Check Availability Page Check Availability form shows the availability of each room Online Reservation Form Figure a. 6 Online Reservation Form Online Reservation Form contains different fields or textboxes that the user or the clients must fill out. Some fields are required in order for the system process it correctly and in order for the user to complete his/her reservation. The reservation shall be saved to database and send to user’s email address. Log-in Page 1 2 Figure a. 7 Log-in Page The Log-in page holds the whole system security. The log in page is where the admin gives personal information to be identified by the system and allow access to users. The admin inputs the user name and password and clicks the Log In button (1) to enter the admin main page. The system has the Forgot Password (2) ADMIN PAGE Admin Side Bar Figure a. Admin The form consists of the following links: 1. Admin Home – When admin home link is pressed, the page shall directly load at the home page of the admin 2. Logout When logout link is pressed, the system shall log-off and shows again the log-in form. 3. View Reservation – When view reservation link is pressed, the page shall directly load at the view reservation page that c onsists of all reservation has been made by the client in tabular form. 4. Rooms – When rooms link is pressed, the page shall directly load at the room page that consist of add new room, edit room and delete room. . Promo;Event – When promo;event link is pressed, the page directly load at the promo;event form that you can post Promo and Event of a company. VIEW RESERVATION Figure a. 8 View Reservation This form is for viewing all the reservation’s information of the client taken from online reservation form. The admin can also edit, cancel the reservation and print all the reservations or print reports. ADMIN EDIT PAGE Figure a. 9 Admin Edit Page After clicking the edit, the list of blocks numbers on king kewin shall show which has different list of lots and information inside the link. In this form, the system allows the admin to edit and update all information in the field of the lots per block. King Kerwin Printable Report Figure a. 10 Printable Report After clicking the print report link on the view reservation page, the system shall generate a report for viewing and printing purposes for record keeping. Promo and Event Figure a. 10 promo and event Shows the promo and event of king kerwin Apartelle and Transient House b. Source Code INDEX ;html ; ;head; lt;meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8 ;title;KING KERWIN ;/title; ;link href=king_style. css rel=stylesheet type=text/css /; ;link rel=icon type=image/png href=images/hover. png /; ;! START OF CODE FOR CALENDAR script language = javascript type=text/javascript src=js/zapatec. js/script script language = javascript type=text/javascript src=js/calendar. js/script script language = javascript type=text/javascript src=js/calendar-en. s/script link rel=stylesheet href=system. css type=text/c ss/ SCRIPT TYPE=text/javascript ! //Disable right click script //visit rainbow. arch. scriptmania. com/scripts/ var message=Sorry, right-click has been disabled; /////////////////////////////////// function clickIE() {if (document. all) {(message);return false;}} function clickNS(e) {if (document. layers||(document. getElementById! document. all)) { if (e. which==2||e. which==3) {(message);return false;}}} if (document. layers) {document. aptureEvents(Event. MOUSEDOWN);document. onmousedown=clickNS;} else{document. onmouseup=clickNS;document. oncontextmenu=clickIE;} document. oncontextmenu=new Function(return false) // /SCRIPT script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery-1. 3. 1. min. js/script script type=text/javascript src=js/slide. js/script script type=text/javascript src=js/function. js/script script language=javascript type=text/javascript/script link rel = stylesheet class=style href = css/style. ss /head body div id = king_main_top /divdiv class=king_container div id=header /divdiv id = gc_bg div id=king_menu ulli class=current a href=index. php Home/a/li lia href=room. php target=_parent Room Rate /a/lilia href=gallery. phpGallery/a/li lia href=about. phpAbout Us/a/li lia href=contact. hpContact Us/a/li /ul/div/divdiv id = gallerya href=# class = showimg src=images/gallery/king/SAM_5704. jpg alt=King Kerwin width=958 height=330 title= alt= rel=h3King Kerwin/h3 A Business Hotel with a touch of Home in the Heart of Olongapo City //aa href=# img src=images/gallery/king/SAM_5697. jpg alt=hospitality width=958 height=330 title= alt= rel=h3Hospitality/h3 staffs, and crew that will treat you well //a a href=#img src=images/family_photo4. ng alt=lobby width=958 height=330 title= alt= rel=h3Lobby/h3A full blast! Elegant lobby that will make you booked in the hotel//a a href=#img src=images/gallery/king/SAM_5710. jpg alt=lobby width=958 height=330 title= alt= rel=h3/h3//a div class=captiondiv class=content/div/div/div /div ! End Of Container /div div id=king _main lt;div class=templatemo_container div id=king_left div class=c_left h2Welcome to King Kerwin/h2h6 iApartelle and Transient House/i/h6table border=0 id = tayotrtd align = justify h13 Strategically sitnated in the heart of Olongapo City . Giving guests an easy access to SBMA , Beaches, entertaiment and major are of attractions. King Kerwin Transient house also accessible in market (near across the street)china Drug Store and Hospital. Enjoy an overnight or long term stay with a choice of our clean, spacious and comportable rooms. With the King Kerwins extraordinary way of pampering, youll gardly feel away from homeExperience a distinctly indulgent and comforting atmosphere where your every need is personally met. With our efficient and friendly concierge, professional housekeeping services and otherspecial courtesies, we make you feel the extra attention that touches you from the start to the end ofKing Kerwin Apartelle is simply like a home, a second home to our guest. Can stay for a while or even for a long term vacation. King Kerwin has the facility for Seminar, Weddings / Birthday and parties. ;/h13;;/td;;/tr;;/table;;/div; ;/div; ;! end of left div id=king_right div class=c_right table border = 0 trtda href = gallery. phpimg src = images/photo. png height = 42px/td/tr/table table border = 0 background = images/gilid. ng width = 250pxtrtd align = centerbr /bh14Easy Direct Booking br / at Low Rates/h14/bbr //td/tr div class=cleaner/div div class=cleaner/div /div ! End Of Container div id = king_main_bottom/div div id = king_footercenter a href = index. php| Home | /a a href = room. php Room Rate | /a a href = gallery. php Photo Gallery | /a a href = about. hp About Us | /a a href = contact. php Contact Us | /abr / | FAQS | #169; King Kerwins Apartelle | All Rights Reserved | Developed By: [emailprotected] com /center/div/div/body amp;gt;/html RESERVATION ? php $conn = mysql_connect(localhost,root,); mysql_select_db(db_kerwin,$conn); $arrival =$_POST[checkin_monthday]; $outarrival=$_POST[checkout_monthday]; $departure = $_POST[checkin_year_month]; $outdeparture = $_POST[checkout_year_month]; $varmont = substr($departure, -1); $varyear = substr($departure, 0, 4); outvarmont = substr($outdeparture, -1); $outvaryear = substr($outdeparture, 0, 4); $room = $_POST[room]; $dates = $_POST[date1]; $datee = $_POST[date2]; $a = date(yy - mm - dd,strtotime($dates)); //$sql = mysql_query(select * from tbl_reservation where roomtype = $room and datestart =$dates or dateend = $a and dateend = $datee') or die(wla ka d2); $count = mysql_num_rows($sql); if($count == 0) {echo script alert( Reservation Available); /script; } else {echo script alert(not available. ); /script; echo script location. href=room. hp; /script;} ? html head meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8 titleKING KERWIN /title link href=king_style. css rel=stylesheet type=text/css / link rel=icon type=image/png href=images/hover. png / script Langu age=JavaScript function Ako_Validator() { var x = document. form1. fullname. value; var y = document. form1. address. value; var z = document. form1. mess. value; if (x == || x ==null || ! isNaN(x)) { alert(Fullname is required); form1. ullname. focus(); return (false); } if (form1. contact. value == ) { alert(Contact is Required. ); form1. contact. focus(); return (false); } if (y == || y ==null || ! isNaN(y)) { alert(Address is Required. ); form1. address. focus(); return (false); } if (z == || z ==null || ! isNaN(z)) { alert(Your Message is Required. ); form1. mess. focus(); return (false); } var emailID=document. form1. email if((emailID. value==null)||(emailID. value==)){alert(Please Enter your Email ID)emailID. focus()return false} if (echeck(emailID. value)==false){ emailID. value=emailID. focus() return false return true} function echeck(str) { var at=@ var dot=. var lat=str. indexOf(at) var lstr=str. length var ldot=str. indexOf(dot) if (str. indexOf(at)==-1){ alert(Inv alid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf(at)==-1 || str. indexOf(at)==0 || str. indexOf(at)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false} if (str. indexOf(dot)==-1 || str. indexOf(dot)==0 || str. indexOf(dot)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false} if (str. indexOf(at,(lat+1))! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. substring(lat-1,lat)==dot || str. substring(lat+1,lat+2)==dot){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) eturn false } if (str. indexOf(dot,(lat+2))==-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf( )! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID)return false } return true} function isNumberKey(evt) { var charCode = (evt. which) ? evt. which : event. keyCode if (charCode 31 (charCode 48 || charCode 57)) return false;return true; } function limitText(limitField, limitCount, limitNum) { if (limitField. value. length limitNum) { limitField. value = limitField. value. substring(0, limitNum); } else { limitCount. value = limitNum limitField. value. length; } } /script lt;script type=text/javascript //Edit the counter/limiter value as your wish var count = 1000; function limiter(){ var tex = document. form1. mess. value; var len = tex. length; if(len count){ tex = tex. substring(0,count); document. form1. mess. value =tex; return false; }document. form1. limit. value = count-len;} /script script type=text/javascript function Search_Validator() {if (form2. txt_search. value == ) {alert(Search Item Required. ); form1. txt_search. focus(); return (false);}} /script SCRIPT TYPE=text/javascript ! //Disable right click script /visit rainbow. arch. scriptmania. com/scripts/ var message=Sorry, right-click has been disabled; /////////////////////////////////// function clickIE() {if (document. all) {(message);return false;}} function clickNS(e) {if (document. layers||(document. getElementById! document. all)) { if (e. which==2||e. which==3) {(message);return false;}}} if (document. layers) {document. captureEvents(Event. MOUSEDOWN);document . onmousedown=clickNS;} else{document. onmouseup=clickNS;document. oncontextmenu=clickIE;} document. oncontextmenu=new Function(return false) // /SCRIPT lt;script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery-1. 3. 1. min. js/script script type=text/javascript src=js/slide. js/script script type=text/javascript src=js/function. js/script script language=javascript type=text/javascript/script link rel = stylesheet class=style href = css/style. css /head body div id = king_main_top /divdiv class=king_container div id=header/div div id = gc_bgdiv id=king_menu ul lia href=index. hp Home/a/li li class=currenta href=room. php target=_parent Room Rate /a/lilia href=gallery. phpGallery/a/li lia href=about. phpAbout Us/a/li lia href=contact. phpContact Us/a/li /ul /div/div/div ! End Of Container /divdiv id=king_main div class=templatemo_container h2img src = images/hover. png / Reservation /h2 centerdiv id = king lt;form id=form1 name=form1 method=post action=verify. php onsubmit=return Ako_Validat or() table border=0 id = tayo trtd/td/trtr tdName: /tdtdinput type=text name=fullname id=fullname class=inquiry_input width = 50//td /trtrtdContact: /tdtdinput type=text name=contact id=cel onKeyPress=return isNumberKey(event) onKeyDown=limitText(this. form. limitedtextfield,this. form. countdown,11); onKeyUp=limitText(this. form. limitedtextfield,this. form. ountdown,11); class=inquiry_input maxlength=11i11 Digits Only/i/td/tr tr tdEmail Address:/td tdinput type=text name=email id=email class=inquiry_input/i(e. g. [emailprotected] com)/i/td /trtr tdAddress: /tdtdinput type=text name=address id=address class=inquiry_input width = 50//td /trtrtdCheck-In: /td td? php $conn = mysql_connect(localhost,root,); mysql_select_db(db_kerwin,$conn); choinput type = text name = arrival value = $arrival $departure readonly; echoinput type = hidden name = innamemonth value = $varmont readonly; echoinput type = hidden name = innameyear value = $varyear readonly; echoinput type = hidden name = innam eday value = $arrival readonly; echoinput type = hidden name = outnamemonth value = $outvarmont readonly; echoinput type = hidden name = outnameyear value = $outvaryear readonly; echoinput type = hidden name = outnameday value = $outarrival readonly; ? gt; /td/trtr tdlabel class=frmLabelCheck-Out:/label/tdtd ? php $conn = mysql_connect(localhost,root,);mysql _select_db(db_kerwin,$conn);$arrival=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[checkout_monthday]);$departure=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[checkout_year_month]); echoinput type = text name = departure value = $arrival $departure readonly;? /td/trtr tdRoom Type: /tdtd ? php conn = mysql_connect(localhost,root,);mysql_select_db(db_kerwin,$conn); $room = $_POST[room]; echoinput type = text name = roomtype value = $room; ? /td/trtr tdNumber of Person: /tdtd input type=text name=personnum id=num onKeyPress=return isNumberKey(event) onKeyDown=limitText(this. form. limitedtextfield,this. form. countdown,11); onKeyUp=limitText(this. form. li mitedtextfield,this. form. countdown,11); class=inquiry_input maxlength=1/td /tr tr lt;td Message: /td td textarea name=mess id=message cols=25 rows=10 maxlength=1000 onkeyup=limiter()/textarea /td/td/trtrtd input type=submit name=submit id=inquiry_submit value= //td tdinput type=reset name=inquiry_reset id=inquiry_submit2 value= //td /tr/table/form script type=text/javascript src=js/calcodes. js/script /div /center ! End Of right /div lt;div class=cleaner/div /div ! end of sidebar div class=cleaner/div div class=cleaner/div /div ! End Of Container div id = king_main_bottom/div div id = king_footer center a href = index. php| Home | /a a href = room. php Room Rate | /a a href = gallery. php Photo Gallery | /a a href = about. php About Us | /a a href = contact. hp Contact Us | /abr / | FAQS | #169; King Kerwins Apartelle | All Rights Reserved | Developed By: [emailprotected] com /center/div/body /html CHECKAVAILABILITY html head meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html ; charset=utf-8 titleKING KERWIN /title link href=king_style. css rel=stylesheet type=text/css / link rel=icon type=image/png href=images/hover. png / script Language=JavaScript unction Ako_Validator() { var x = document. form1. fullname. value; var y = document. form1. address. value; var z = document. form1. mess. value; if (x == || x ==null || ! isNaN(x)) { alert(Fullname is required); form1. fullname. focus(); return (false); } if (form1. contact. value == ) { alert(Contact is Required. ); form1. contact. focus(); return (false); } if (y == || y ==null || ! isNaN(y)) { alert(Address is Required. ); form1. address. focus(); return (false); } if (z == || z ==null || ! isNaN(z)) { alert(Your Message is Required. ); form1. ess. focus(); return (false); } var emailID=document. form1. email if((emailID. value==null)||(emailID. value==)){alert(Please Enter your Email ID)emailID. focus()return false} if (echeck(emailID. value)==false){ emailID. value=emailID. focus() return false }re turn true} function echeck(str) { var at=@ var dot=. var lat=str. indexOf(at) var lstr=str. length var ldot=str. indexOf(dot) if (str. indexOf(at)==-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf(at)==-1 || str. indexOf(at)==0 || str. indexOf(at)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) eturn false} if (str. indexOf(dot)==-1 || str. indexOf(dot)==0 || str. indexOf(dot)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false} if (str. indexOf(at,(lat+1))! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. substring(lat-1,lat)==dot || str. substring(lat+1,lat+2)==dot){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf(dot,(lat+2))==-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf( )! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID)return false } return true} function isNumberKey(evt) { var charCode = (evt. which) ? evt. which : event. keyCode f (charCode 31 (charCode 48 || charCode 57)) return false;return true; } function limitText(limitField, limitCount, limitNum) { if (limit Field. value. length limitNum) { limitField. value = limitField. value. substring(0, limitNum); } else { limitCount. value = limitNum limitField. value. length; } } /script script type=text/javascript //Edit the counter/limiter value as your wish var count = 1000; function limiter(){ var tex = document. form1. mess. value; var len = tex. length; if(len count){ tex = tex. ubstring(0,count); document. form1. mess. value =tex; return false; }document. form1. limit. value = count-len;} /script script type=text/javascript function Search_Validator() {if (form2. txt_search. value == ) {alert(Search Item Required. ); form1. txt_search. focus(); return (false);}} /script SCRIPT TYPE=text/javascript ! //Disable right click script //visit rainbow. arch. scriptmania. com/scripts/ var message=Sorry, right-click has been disabled; /////////////////////////////////// function clickIE() {if (document. ll) {(message);return false;}} function clickNS(e) {if (document. layers||(document. getElem entById! document. all)) { if (e. which==2||e. which==3) {(message);return false;}}} if (document. layers) {document. captureEvents(Event. MOUSEDOWN);document. onmousedown=clickNS;} else{document. onmouseup=clickNS;document. oncontextmenu=clickIE;} document. oncontextmenu=new Function(return false) // /SCRIPT script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery-1. 3. 1. min. js/script script type=text/javascript src=js/slide. s/script script type=text/javascript src=js/function. js/script script language=javascript type=text/javascript/script link rel = stylesheet class=style href = css/style. css /head body div id = king_main_top /divdiv class=king_container div id=header/div div id = gc_bgdiv id=king_menu ul lia href=index. php Home/a/li li class=currenta href=room. hp target=_parent Room Rate /a/lilia href=gallery. phpGallery/a/li lia href=about. phpAbout Us/a/li lia href=contact. phpContact Us/a/li /ul /div/div/div ! End Of Container /divdiv id=king_main div id=login_form h5nbsp;/h5 ce nter link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=. /reservation_files/calendar. css form action=book. hp id=reservation-form name=reservation-form method=post table cellspacing=2tbody tr? php $conn = mysql_connect(localhost,root,); mysql_select_db(db_kerwin,$conn)l $sql = mysql_query(Select * from tbl_room where id=$_GET295); while($r = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {echo input type = hidden name = room value = $r[roomtype];}? /trtrtdlabelCheck In:input type = text name = date1 //label/td /trtrtd select id=checkin_day ame=checkin_monthday class=checkin_day onchange=checkDateOrder(this, #39;checkin_monthday#39;, #39;checkin_year_month#39;, #39;checkout_monthday#39;, #39;checkout_year_month#39;); updateDaySelect(this); option class=day prompt value=0Day/option option value=11/optionoption value=22/optionoption value=33/optionoption value=44/optionoption value=55/optionoption value=66/optionoption value=77/optionoption value=88/optionoption value=99/optionoption value=1010/optionoption value= 1111/optionoption value=1212/optionoption value=13 selected=selected13/optionoption value=1414/optionoption value=1515/optionoption value=1616/optionoption value=1717/optionoption value=1818/optionoption value=1919/optionoption value=2020/optionoption value=2121/optionoption value=2222/optionoption value=2323/optionoption value=2424/optionoption value=2525/optionoption value=2626/optionoption alue=2727/optionoption value=2828/optionoption value=2929/optionoption value=3030/optionoption value=3131/option/select select id=checkin_year_month name=checkin_year_month class=checkin_year_month onchange=checkDateOrder(this, #39;checkin_monthday#39;, #39;checkin_year_month#39;, #39;checkout_monthday#39;, #39;checkout_year_month#39;); updateDaySelect(this); option class=month prompt value=0Month/option option value=2011-1January 11/optionoption value=2011-2February 11/optionoption value=2011-3March 11/optionoption value=2011-4April 11/optionoption value=2011-5May 11/optionoption value=2011-6J une 11/optionoption value=2011-7July 11/optionoption value=2011-8August 11/optionoption value=2011-9September 11/optionoption value=2011-10October 11/optionoption value=2011-11November 11/option /select a class=calender inlineJsRequired onclick=showCalendar(this, #39;calendar#39;, #39;checkin#39;); href=javascript:void(0);img title=Open calendar and pick a date alt=calendar src=. /reservation_files/button-calender. png width=21 height=18/a /td/trtr lt;tdlabelCheck Out:input type = text name = date2 //label/td /trtrtd select id=checkout_monthday class=checkout_day onchange=updateDaySelect(this); name=checkout_monthday option class=day prompt selected= value=0Day/option option value=11/optionoption value=22/optionoption value=33/optionoption value=44/optionoption value=55/optionoption value=66/optionoption value=77/optionoption value=88/optionoption value=99/optionoption value=1010/optionoption value=1111/optionoption value=1212/optionoption value=13 selected=selected13/optionoption value=1414/optionoption value=1515/optionoption alue=1616/optionoption value=1717/optionoption value=1818/optionoption value=1919/optionoption value=2020/optionoption value=2121/optionoption value=2222/optionoption value=2323/optionoption value=2424/optionoption value=2525/optionoption value=2626/optionoption value=2727/optionoption value=2828/optionoption value=2929/optionoption value=3030/optionoption value=3131/option/select select id=checkout_year_month class=checkout_year_month onchange=updateDaySelect(this); name=checkout_year_month option class=month prompt selected= value=0Month/option option value=2011-1January 11/optionoption value=2011-2February 11/optionoption value=2011-3March 11/optionoption value=2011-4April 11/optionoption value=2011-5May 11/optionoption value=2011-6June 11/optionoption value=2011-7July 11/optionoption value=2011-8August 11/optionoption value=2011-9September 11/optionoption value=2011-10October 11/optionoption value=2011-11November 11/option/select a class=calender inlineJsRequired onclick=showCalendar(this, #39;calendar#39;, #39;checkout#39;); href=javascript:void(0);img title=Open calendar and pick a date alt=calendar src=. /reservation_files/button-calender. ng width=21 height=18/a /td/tr trtd colspan=2 nowrap= height=15px/td/tr trtd input class=button type=submit value=Check Availability /input/td/tr /tbody/table/form /centerdiv id=calendar/div script type=text/javascript src=. /reservation_files/calendar. js/scriptscript type=text/javascript // ! [CDATA[ var calendar = new Object(); var tr = new Object(); tr. nextMonth = Next; tr. prevMonth = Previous; tr. closeCalendar = Close; tr. url = kingkerwin. com; tr. title = ; tr. cons = themes/x-brown/images/; var months = [January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December]; var days = [Mon,Ma,We,Th,Fr,Sa,Su]; var days3 = [Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun]; var $t_hotels = Hotels. toLowerCase(); var b_today = Today; checkDateOrder(document. getElem entById(checkin_day), checkin_monthday, checkin_year_month, checkout_monthday, checkout_year_month); // ]] /script script src=. /reservation_files/jquery-1. 2. 6. min. js type=text/javascript/script /div /div center a href = index. hp| Home | /a a href = room. php Room Rate | /a a href = gallery. php Photo Gallery | /a a href = about. php About Us | /a a href = contact. php Contact Us | /abr / | FAQS | #169; King Kerwins Apartelle | All Rights Reserved | Developed By: [emailprotected] com /center/div/body /html SALES and RENTING html head meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8 titleKING KERWIN /title link href=king_style. ss rel=stylesheet type=text/css / link rel=icon type=image/png href=images/hover. png / script Language=JavaScript function Ako_Validator() { var x = document. form1. fullname. value; var y = document. form1. address. value; var z = document. form1. mess. value; if (x == || x ==null || ! isNaN(x)) { alert(Fullname is required); form1. full name. focus(); return (false); } if (form1. contact. value == ) { alert(Contact is Required. ); form1. contact. focus(); return (false); } if (y == || y ==null || ! isNaN(y)) { alert(Address is Required. ); form1. address. focus(); return (false); } if (z == || z ==null || ! sNaN(z)) { alert(Your Message is Required. ); form1. mess. focus(); return (false); } var emailID=document. form1. email if((emailID. value==null)||(emailID. value==)){alert(Please Enter your Email ID)emailID. focus()return false} if (echeck(emailID. value)==false){ emailID. value=emailID. focus() return false }return true} function echeck(str) { var at=@ var dot=. var lat=str. indexOf(at) var lstr=str. length var ldot=str. indexOf(dot) if (str. indexOf(at)==-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf(at)==-1 || str. indexOf(at)==0 || str. indexOf(at)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false} if (str. ndexOf(dot)==-1 || str. indexOf(dot)==0 || str. indexOf(dot)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-m ail ID) return false} if (str. indexOf(at,(lat+1))! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. substring(lat-1,lat)==dot || str. substring(lat+1,lat+2)==dot){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf(dot,(lat+2))==-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf( )! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID)return false } return true} function isNumberKey(evt) { var charCode = (evt. which) ? evt. which : event. keyCode if (charCode 31 (charCode 48 || charCode 57)) return false;return true; } unction limitText(limitField, limitCount, limitNum) { if (limitField. value. length limitNum) { limitField. value = limitField. value. substring(0, limitNum); } else { limitCount. value = limitNum limitField. value. length; } } /script script type=text/javascript //Edit the counter/limiter value as your wish var count = 1000; function limiter(){ var tex = document. form1. mess. value; var len = tex. length; if(len count){ tex = tex. substring(0,count); documen t. form1. mess. value =tex; return false; }document. form1. limit. value = count-len;} /script script type=text/javascript function Search_Validator() {if (form2. txt_search. value == ) alert(Search Item Required. ); form1. txt_search. focus(); return (false);}} /script SCRIPT TYPE=text/javascript ! //Disable right click script //visit rainbow. arch. scriptmania. com/scripts/ var message=Sorry, right-click has been disabled; /////////////////////////////////// function clickIE() {if (document. all) {(message);return false;}} function clickNS(e) {if (document. layers||(document. getElementById! document. all)) { if (e. which==2||e. which==3) {(message);return false;}}} if (document. layers) {document. captureEvents(Event. MOUSEDOWN);document. onmousedown=clickNS;} else{document. nmouseup=clickNS;document. oncontextmenu=clickIE;} document. oncontextmenu=new Function(return false) // /SCRIPT script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery-1. 3. 1. min. js/script script type=text/javascrip t src=js/slide. js/script script type=text/javascript src=js/function. js/script script language=javascript type=text/javascript/script link rel = stylesheet class=style href = css/style. css /head body div id = king_main_top /divdiv class=king_container div id=header/div lt;div id = gc_bgdiv id=king_menu ul lia href=index. php Home/a/li li class=currenta href=room. php target=_parent Room Rate /a/lilia href=gallery. phpGallery/a/li lia href=about. phpAbout Us/a/li lia href=contact. phpContact Us/a/li /ul /div/div/div ! End Of Container /divdiv id=king_main div class=templatemo_container h2img src = images/hover. ng /Room rates for Overnight stay: for 12 hrs /h2div id=jr_left div class=a_left/div div class=c_leftdiv class=sb_title1/div div class=sb_contentdiv id=inquiry_form ? php $conn = mysql_connect(localhost,root,); mysql_select_db(db_kerwin,$conn); error_reporting(0); $page_name=newuser. php; $start=$_GET[start]; if(strlen($start) 0 and ! is_numeric($start)){ echo Data Erro r; exit; } $eu = ($start 0); $limit = 3; $this1 = $eu + $limit; $back = $eu $limit; $next = $eu + $limit; $query2= SELECT * FROM tbl_message; $result2=mysql_query($query2); echo mysql_error(); nume=mysql_num_rows($result2); $query= SELECT * FROM tbl_message ORDER by id DESC limit $eu, $limit ; $result=mysql_query($query); echo mysql_error(); if(mysql_num_rows($result)! =0){ while($r=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo h10. $r[name]. /h10. br; echo nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;. h14. $r[description]. /h14. br;echo img src=images/gallery/. $r[picture]. class=banner_right. /tdbrbr; }echo /table;echo /form;} else {echo no record found! ; }} else{switch($_GET[action]) { ase save:mysql_query(INSERT INTO tbl_message (name,picture,price) values ($_POST[name],$_POST[picture],$_POST[price],now()));header(location:newuser. php); break; case delete: mysql_query(DELETE FROM tbl_message WHERE id=$_GET295); header(location:newuser. php); break; case edit: $q = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM tbl_message WHERE id=$_GET295); $r = mysql_fetch_array($q); echo form action=newuser. php? action=update method=postid =form1 name = form1 table border=0trtd align=centerinput type=hidden name=id value=$r295/td/tr trtd valign=topName:/td lt;tdinput type=text name=name value=$r[name]/td/trtr td valign=topPicture:/td tdinput type=file name=picture value=$r[picture]/td/tr trtd valign=topPrice:/td tdinput type=text name=price value=$r[price]/td/tr trtd colspan=2 align=centerinput type=submit value=Saveinput type=button onclick=self. location=newuser. php value=Cancel / /td /tr/table/form; break; case update: $id = $_POST[id]; $name = $_POST[name]; $picture = $_POST[picture]; $price = $_POST[price]; ysql_query(UPDATE tbl_message SET name=$name,picture=$picture,price=$price WHERE id=$id); header(location:newuser. php); break;}} ECHOBR; ? /div/div/div/div ! end of left div id=jr_right div class=b_right div id = king_roombr / table border=0px cellpadding=5 cellspacing=3 width=630 ? php $conn = mysql_connect(localhost, root,)or die(Cannot Connect to Server); mysql_select_db(db_kerwin,$conn)or die(Cannot Select Database); $q = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM tbl_room); if(mysql_num_rows($q)! =0){ while($r=mysql_fetch_array($q)){ echo trtd align=centerimg src=. $r[picture]. class=banner_right. /td; echo td align=left . nbsp;h16. $r[roomtype]. /h16br. nbsp;h14. $r[description]. /h14. brbr. h912hrs: /h9. nbspnbspnbsp;h9. $r[hrs]. br. h9Daily: /h9. nbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbsp;h9. $r[daily]. br. h9Weekly: /h9. nbspnbsp;h9 . $r[weekly]. /h9br. h9Monthly: /h9. nbsp;h9. $r[monthly]. /h9brbr; echo center. nbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbsp . a href=check. php? id=. $r[id]. img src=images/pic1. png. /center; }}? /table /div/div LISTINGS html head meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8 titleKING KERWIN /title link href=king_style. css rel=stylesheet type=text/css / link rel=icon type=image/png href=images/hover. png / script Language=JavaScript function Ako_Validator() { ar x = document. form1. fullname. value; var y = document. form1. address. value; var z = document. form1. mess. value; if (x == || x ==null || ! isNaN(x)) { alert(Fullname is required); form1. fullname. focus(); return (false); } if (form1. contact. value == ) { alert(Contact is Required. ); form1. contact. focus(); return (false); } if (y == || y ==null || ! isNaN(y)) { alert(Address is Required. ); form1. address. focus(); return (false); } if (z == || z ==null || ! isNaN(z)) { alert(Your Message is Required. ); form1. mess. focus(); return (false); } var emailID=document. form1. email if((emailID. value==null)||(emailID. alue==)){alert(Please Enter your Email ID)emailID. focus()return false} if (echeck(emailID. value)==false){ emailID. value=emailID. focus() return false }return true} function echeck(str) { var at=@ var dot=. var lat= str. indexOf(at) var lstr=str. length var ldot=str. indexOf(dot) if (str. indexOf(at)==-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf(at)==-1 || str. indexOf(at)==0 || str. indexOf(at)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false} if (str. indexOf(dot)==-1 || str. indexOf(dot)==0 || str. indexOf(dot)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false} if (str. indexOf(at,(lat+1))! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) eturn false } if (str. substring(lat-1,lat)==dot || str. substring(lat+1,lat+2)==dot){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf(dot,(lat+2))==-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf( )! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID)return false } return true} function isNumberKey(evt) { var charCode = (evt. which) ? evt. which : event. keyCode if (charCode 31 (charCode 48 || charCode 57)) return false;return true; } function limitText(limitField, limitCount, limitNum) { if (limitField. value. length limitNum) { limitField. value = limitFi eld. value. substring(0, limitNum); } else { limitCount. alue = limitNum limitField. value. length; } } /script script type=text/javascript //Edit the counter/limiter value as your wish var count = 1000; function limiter(){ var tex = document. form1. mess. value; var len = tex. length; if(len count){ tex = tex. substring(0,count); document. form1. mess. value =tex; return false; }document. form1. limit. value = count-len;} /script script type=text/javascript function Search_Validator() {if (form2. txt_search. value == ) {alert(Search Item Required. ); form1. txt_search. focus(); return (false);}} /script SCRIPT TYPE=text/javascript lt;! //Disable right click script //visit rainbow. arch. scriptmania. com/scripts/ var message=Sorry, right-click has been disabled; /////////////////////////////////// function clickIE() {if (document. all) {(message);return false;}} function clickNS(e) {if (document. layers||(document. getElementById! document. all)) { if (e. which==2||e. which==3) {(message);return false;}}} if (document. layers) {document. captureEvents(Event. MOUSEDOWN);document. onmousedown=clickNS;} else{document. onmouseup=clickNS;document. oncontextmenu=clickIE;} document. oncontextmenu=new Function(return false) // /SCRIPT lt;script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery-1. 3. 1. min. js/script script type=text/javascript src=js/slide. js/script script type=text/javascript src=js/function. js/script script language=javascript type=text/javascript/script link rel = stylesheet class=style href = css/style. css /head body div id = king_main_top /divdiv class=king_container div id=header/div div id = gc_bgdiv id=king_menu ul lia href=index. php Home/a/li li class=currenta href=room. hp target=_parent Room Rate /a/lilia href=gallery. phpGallery/a/li lia href=about. phpAbout Us/a/li lia href=contact. phpContact Us/a/li /ul /div/div/div ! End Of Container /divdiv id=king_main div class=templatemo_container h2img src = images/hover. png / Photo Gallery /h2 cen ter table border=0px cellpadding=10 cellspacing=2 width=630 trtdcenter Delauxe Room /center /td/trtrtdcenter lt;a class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/family/gallery3. png title= gallery3. png img style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/family/gallery3. png/ /adiv id=iddivholder style=hf:12; yt:0; display: none; a class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/del/11. jpg title= 11. jpg img style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/del/11. jpg / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/del/12. jpg title= 12. jpgimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/del/12. jpg / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/del/13. jpg title= 13. pgimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/del/13. jpg / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/del/14. jpg title= 14. jpg img style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/del/14. jpg / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/del/2. jpg title= 2. jpgimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/del/2. jpg / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/del/3. jpg title= 3. jpgimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/del/3. jpg / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/del/4. jpg title= 4. pgimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/del/4. jpg / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/del/5. jpg title= 5. jpgimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/del/5. jpg / /a/divscript src=engine/js/visuallightbox. js type=text/javascript/script /center/td/td/tr /table table border=0px cellpadding=10 cellspacing=2 width=630tr tdcenterFamily Room /center center a class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/deluxe/gallery2. png title= gallery2. ng height = 200 width = 250img style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/deluxe/gallery2. png/ /adiv id=iddivholder style=hf:12; yt:0; display: none; a class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/deluxe/photo. png title= photo. png img style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/deluxe/photo. png / /aa class=vlig htbox href=images/gallery/deluxe/phot6. png title= phot6. pngimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/deluxe/phot6. png / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/deluxe/photo. png title= photo. ngimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/deluxe/photo. png / /a/div script src=engine/js/visuallightbox. js type=text/javascript/script /center/td tdcenterExecutive Room/center center a class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/executive/gallery. png title= gallery. pngimg style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/executive/gallery. png//a div id=iddivholder style=hf:12; yt:0; display: none; a class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/exe/4. jpg title= 4. jpg img style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/exe/4. ng/ /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/exe/8. jpg title= 8. jpgimg style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/exe/8. png//a a class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/exe/9. jpg title= 9. jpgimg style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gall ery/exe/9. png/ /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/exe/11. jpg title= 11. jpgimg style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/exe/11. png/ /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/exe/12. jpg title= 12. jpgimg style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/exe/12. ng/ /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/exe/14. jpg title= 14. jpgimg style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/exe/14. png/ /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/exe/18. jpg title= 18. jpgimg style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/exe/18. png/ /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/exe/32. jpg title= 32. jpgimg style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/exe/32. png/ /a/div script src=engine/js/visuallightbox. js type=text/javascript/script /center/td/tr /table lt;table border=0px cellpadding=10 cellspacing=2 width=630trtd centerCouples Room/center/td/trtr tdcenter a class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/executive/gallery. png title= gallery. png img style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/executive/gallery. png//ag t; div id=iddivholder style=hf:12; yt:0; display: none; a class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/cop/2. jpg title= 2. jpgimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; 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var y = document. form1. address. value; var z = document. form1. mess. value; if (x == || x ==null || ! isNaN(x)) { alert(Fullname is required); form1. fullname. focus(); return (false); } if (form1. contact. value == ) { alert(Contact is Required. ); form1. contact. focus(); return (false); } if (y == || y ==null || ! isNaN(y)) { alert(Address is Required. ); form1. address. focus(); return (false); } if (z == || z ==null || ! isNaN(z)) { alert(Your Message is Required. ); form1. mess. focus(); return (false); } var emailID=document. form1. email if((emailID. value==null)||(emailID. alue==)){alert(Please Enter your Email ID)emailID. focus()return false} if (e check(emailID. value)==false){ emailID. value=emailID. focus() return false }return true} function echeck(str) { var at=@ var dot=. var lat=str. indexOf(at) var lstr=str. length var ldot=str. indexOf(dot) if (str. indexOf(at)==-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf(at)==-1 || str. indexOf(at)==0 || str. indexOf(at)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false} if (str. indexOf(dot)==-1 || str. indexOf(dot)==0 || str. indexOf(dot)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false} if (str. indexOf(at,(lat+1))! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) eturn false } if (str. substring(lat-1,lat)==dot || str. substring(lat+1,lat+2)==dot){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf(dot,(lat+2))==-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf( )! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID)return false } return true} function isNumberKey(evt) { var charCode = (evt. which) ? evt. which : event. keyCode if (charCode 31 (charCode 48 || charCode 57)) return false ;return true; 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Saturday, March 7, 2020
Make Non-Toxic Glue From Milk
Make Non-Toxic Glue From Milk Use common kitchen materials to make your own glue. Add vinegar to milk, separate the curds, and add baking soda and water. Voila, youve got glue! Difficulty: AverageTime required: 15 minutes Materials 1/4 cup hot water1 tbsp vinegar2 tbsp powdered dry milk1/2 tsp baking sodaWater How to Make It Mix 1/4 cup hot tap water with 2 tbsp powdered milk. Stir until dissolved.Stir 1 tbsp of vinegar into the mixture. The milk will begin to separate into solid curds and watery whey. Continue stirring until the milk is well-separated.Pour the curds and whey into a coffee filter positioned over a cup. Slowly lift the filter, draining the whey. Keep the curd, which is in the filter.Squeeze the filter to remove as much liquid as possible from the curd. Discard the whey (i.e., pour it down a drain) and return the curd to a cup.Use a spoon to break the curd into small pieces.Add 1 tsp hot water and 1/8 to 1/4 tsp baking soda to the chopped curd. Some foaming may occur (carbon dioxide gas from the reaction of baking soda with vinegar).Mix thoroughly until the glue becomes smooth and more liquid. If the mixture is too thick, add a bit more water. If the glue is too lumpy, add more baking soda.The finished glue can vary in consistency from a thick liquid to a thick paste, depending on how much water has been added, how much curd was present, and how much baking soda was added. Use your glue as you would any school paste. Have fun!When not in use, cover your cup of glue with plastic wrap. Over time, its consistency will become smoother and more clear.Unrefrigerated glue will spoil after 24 to 48 hours. Discard the glue when it develops a spoiled milk smell. Tips for Success The separation of curds and whey works best when the milk is warm or hot. This is why powdered milk is recommended for this project.If the separation doesnt work well, heat the milk or add a bit more vinegar. If it still doesnt work, start again with warmer water.Clean dried glue by loosening/dissolving it in warm water and wiping it away. Glue will wash out of clothes and off surfaces. Reaction Between Milk and Vinegar Mixing milk and vinegar (weak acetic acid) produces a chemical reaction that forms a polymer called casein. Casein is essentially a natural plastic. The casein molecule is long and pliable, which makes it perfect for forming a flexible bond between two surfaces. The casein curds may be molded and dried to form hard objects that are sometimes called milk pearls. When a small amount of baking soda is added to chopped curd, the baking soda (base) and residual vinegar (acid) participate in an acid-base chemical reaction to produce carbon dioxide, water, and sodium acetate. The carbon dioxide bubbles escape, while the sodium acetate solution combines with the casein curds to form a sticky glue. The thickness of the glue depends on the amount of water present, so it can be either a sticky paste (minimal water) or a thin glue (more water).
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