Thursday, January 2, 2020
Essay Abstinence The Solution to Abortion - 493 Words
Abortion is the operation to end a pregnancy by removing a fetus or an embryo from the womb. This topic has been one of the most prominent controversies in the United States. A human’s life is special in all stages and should not be taken away for any reason. The robbing of someone’s life at any point is morally wrong and is a crime according to religion and the law regarding murder. If one cannot assume the responsibilities of taking care of a human until they are able to survive on their own, then intercourse is not recommended. Pro – life groups believe that from the point of fertilization, a new life is being carried by its mother. According to the Central Illinois Right to Life, a baby develops a heartbeat at eighteen days.†¦show more content†¦These rights are called reproductive rights whereas pro – life groups fight for fetal rights. These groups also believe that for any reason a woman can terminate the pregnancy. According to Womenâ₠¬â„¢s Health, birth control failure, the ending of an unwanted pregnancy, a pregnancy resulting from incest or rape, a pregnancy that could affect the mother, or a pregnancy that could result in a child with birth defects are the leading causes of abortions in the United States. Except in cases of rape, incest, or a complicated pregnancy that can affect the mother’s life, the simple solution to stop abortion is to be abstinent. Though condoms, birth control, and other things seemingly protect one from conceiving, none are a hundred percent safe. While a woman has the choice to keep or terminate a pregnancy, the simple fact that a human has been conceived should be enough to show that unless one is unable to assume all responsibility of that child, they have no business having sexual intercourse. Unless one becomes pregnant and it is the result of circumstances that they could not control such as rape or incest, the ultimate way to avoid having an abortion is to stay abstinent until one is sure that they can take care of the child effectively. Overall, abortion can only be used as a last resort. Pro – life groups stand by the fact that all life should be cherished from â€Å"the womb to the tomb†. Pro – choice groups believe that it is the woman’s right toShow MoreRelatedWhy Abstinence Programs Don t Work1368 Words  | 6 PagesEnglish IV 31 March 2015 Why I Believe That Abstinence Programs Don t Work How can people be abstinent if they experience or see sexual content very day? Abstinence programs don t work because we see sexual content on tv every day. Sex Ed classes don’t teach things in the right way. Also people miss use birth control, abortion because Sex Ed makes it seem what its not. I believe that abstinence programs don t work. 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Abortion is defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary as â€Å"the deliberate termination of a pregnancy and is most often preformed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy.†Beginning early on in history, abortions were viable solutions for immigrants, as their pregnancy rates were higher than the natives of an area or region. As timed passed, laws on abortion began to create a war on the separation of Church and State. These issues have yet to suppress. The Catholic Church defines abortions as â€Å"theRead MoreTeen Pregnancy Rates By Jacqueline Sedgwick s Article, American Adolescents And Emergency Contraceptive Pill Access843 Word s  | 4 Pagesassociated with substantial social, economic, and health costs†(Sedgwick). However, this problem is not one without a solution. 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